Thanks for stopping by. Have a look around and get to know me. This particular website is designed to tell you a little about me, and provide a showcase for some of my photography, poetry and (possibly longer-term) music and video.
The site is still under development currently - but do have a look at my image gallery! Selections of photographs, particularly from West Wales (and the River Teifi in and around Cardigan). But also some photographs of Glastonbury Tor - taken from digital scans of slide photographs from the 1980s (Some dramatic images of views from the Tor during dawn mists, and of the Harmonic Convergence from August 1987, the first planetary 'collective meditation' where millions of people from across thhe planet went into deep meditation at the same moment (hundreds of them on the Tor, shown in my photographs).
Coming soon: a selection of my poetry.
Longer term plans: music and video.
Longer-term still I am also planning to develop several different websites: one relating to publishing, the other a resource site containing some of my ideas about personal growth and spiritual development.